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Woman in the middle of nature
Woman in the nature
touches the spirit. awakens the senses. does us good.

bad ratzes. naturally.


A mindfulness holiday at our nature hotel in South Tyrol

my silence place –
in the dolomites

The world speaks many languages. Every culture, country and individual has their own way of seeing, perceiving and describing the world. But, beyond words, there is a universal language that we all understand and that is perceptible via our senses. This language, the language of nature, is omnipresent at Bad Ratzes. The shadows cast by the slender spruce trees around the flowering meadow, the earthy smell of the cotton grass, the wind gusting from the Santner Spire down to the valley below – each tells a story.

We merely have to listen.

Sensibility is in our nature: we encounter it in everything that we see, hear, feel, smell and taste. At our core, we long for it, as it is our senses that enrich our earthly existence and connect us to the outside world. The hustle and bustle of everyday life means that we all too easily lose touch with ourselves. The conscious awareness of our senses is the key to inner peace and true happiness.


Nature speaks in colours and forms.
With a green sea of spruce, pines and firs; with the colourful wildflowers that reclaim their space; with the warm sunlight streaming through the canopy of leaves to create a play of light.

Key moments: time spent outdoors at our nature hotel in South Tyrol, between mountain stream, pond, forest and meadow. Painting with the colours of nature, restoring your strength without effort. 

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Woman on a meadow looking into the distance


Nature speaks both in soft and loud tones.
It is the silence behind the silence, and everything in between. Real listening begins in the forest around Bad Ratzes. The tap-tap-tapping of the woodpecker; the call of the cuckoo; the whispering of the grass; the whistling of the wind through the branches; the murmuring of the stream. The quieter you are, the more detail is revealed.

Key moments: time spent outdoors – become aware of your senses around a crackling campfire to the sounds of music under the Schlern massif. Listen to yourself while practising forest bathing or yoga.

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Woman puts finger to lips


Nature speaks in scents.
The smell of the forest is earthy and resinous: the fresh smell of a rainy night is unique.
Damp moss and mushrooms, little woodland creatures. The sweet scent of blossoming flowers is in the air, with fine essences that only unfold at dusk.

Key moments: time spent outdoors – open the window and let nature into your room. Participate in nature workshops. Breathe in consciously and fill your lungs with pure air – a mindfulness holiday.

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Woman smells lavender


Nature speaks through touch.
Roam barefoot through the dewy grass and soft moss, feeling the rough bark of old trees. The warmth of the sun and the coolness of the shade on your skin. Sparkling water droplets. A ladybird crawling on your finger. The barely perceptible beating of the wings of a butterfly that is nevertheless in constant motion.

Key moments: time spent outdoors – discover a feeling for natural materials, feel the elements in the bio-pool, in the bio-sauna or in the mountain stream. Develop a closeness to nature.

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Woman touches lavender


Nature speaks through flavours.
Nature has a world of flavours to offer. It may not seem obvious at first but, on closer inspection, it leaves a wealth of impressions. The sweetness of wild strawberries. The tanginess of herbs, the delicate flavour of edible flowers.

Key moments: time spent outdoors – bringing nature from forest and meadow onto the plate and into the glass. Discover new flavours, awaken forgotten memories.

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Woman picking wild berries
You too can follow the path to fulfil your senses …